Internet Scholar

To access the math prob menu or press alpha window to access the shortcut menu. To access the probability menu where you will find the permutations and combinations commands.

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Here is a quick refresher on factorials.

Ti 84 plus factorial. Students usually learn about factorials in introductory algebra courses for their use in probability but will often forget what they are as they aren t used a whole lot until later courses. Did you know you can type an exclamation point on your ti 84 plus calculator. Usually students learn about factorials in pre algebra and then forget what they are by the time they need to use factorials to solve tough probability problems.

Using the ti 84 plus you must enter n insert the command and then enter r. Mathematically the exclamation point is called a factorial. Using the factorial function on the ti 84 plus ce graphing calculator can be useful when calculating permutations or other such statistical calculations.

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