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January 1 the solemnity of mary mother of god. We ll celebrate it the next day at sunday mass.

How To Gain A Plenary Indulgence Each Day During The Holy Week

Every sunday is a holy day of obligation as are six other days throughout the year.

Is holy thursday a day of obligation. That has an exception. Hawaii is part of the united states but it is located in a part of the world where most of the surrounding dioceses belong to the conference of bishops of the south pacific cepac. Thursday of the sixth week of easter the solemnity of the ascension.

The ascension occurred on the 40th day of easter a thursday. The state of hawaii. Holy days of obligation in the catholic church on holy days of obligation catholics are obliged to participate in mass.

The expectation is attached to the holy day even if transferred. In the catholic church holy days of obligation also called holydays holidays or days of obligation are days on which the faithful are expected to attend mass and engage in rest from work and recreation according to the third commandment. There is one other wrinkle to the holy days of obligation in the united states.

In hawaii there are only two holy days of obligation christmas and immaculate conception because the bishop. In 2020 the feast of the assumption falls on saturday august 15. In hawaii since 1992 the only observed days of holy obligation except sundays are feast of the immaculate conception and christmas.

Holy thursday is not one of the six holy days of obligation although some people may confuse it with the solemnity of the ascension which is also known by some as holy thursday. In addition the feast of epiphany is always celebrated on a sunday in the u s. There are currently ten holy days of obligation in the latin rite of the catholic church which is the vatican and five in the eastern catholic churches in the united states only six holy days of obligation are observed hawaii is the only state in the u s.

Bishops in the united states have suppressed the feast of saint joseph and the feast of saints peter and paul as holy days of obligation. Massachusetts rhode island connecticut new york new jersey pennsylvania and nebraska. The ascension of our lord a holy day of obligation celebrates the day that christ in the presence of his apostles ascended bodily into heaven.

Ascension thursday is a holy day of obligation in the entirety of the following states. In addition to sunday the days to be observed as holy days of obligation in the latin rite dioceses of the united states of america in conformity with canon 1246 are as follows. This holy day of observation also is related to easter but it comes at the end of this special time on the 40th day after the resurrection.

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